Excelsior Award Black (Aged 16+)

The Excelsior Award is the only fully independent, nationwide book award for graphic novels and manga - where kids aged 11-18 decide the winner by rating each book as they read it! In 2021, twelve graphic novels/manga were selected for the four age-appropriate shortlists and it now attracts over two hundred schools from all over the UK and Ireland! The overall goal of this scheme is to encourage reading amongst teenagers. However, its secondary target is to raise the profile of graphic novels and manga amongst school librarians and teachers. This storytelling medium has been a largely underused resource within education for many years. The Excelsior Award attempts to highlight some of the amazing books that are out there - books that fully deserve to be in our school libraries alongside regular fiction!


Redbeard Vol. 1: A Short Drop and a Sudden Stop!

Kraehn, Jean-Charles ISBN: 9781800441088
Paperback / softback

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1738, Cap-Francais, in the Caribbean. Redbeard, once the terror of the Seven Seas, has partially retired. Now a privateer in the service of the King of France, he chomps at the bit along with his companions, for France is currently at peace. So, when the town's governor tasks him with catching a mysterious French pirate who terrorises the Carolinas, he jumps at the chance to get back into the fray. But he made many enemies during his pirate years, and danger lurks in wait...

- Browns Books Synopsis


Wessel, Geoffrey D. ISBN: 9781506733746
Paperback / softback

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Cantwell, Christopher ISBN: 9781684159000
Paperback / softback

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Kraehn, Jean-Charles ISBN: 9781800441088
Paperback / softback

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Macalangcom, Adnazeer ISBN: 9781975350895
Paperback / softback

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Tamaki, Mariko ISBN: 9781779519924

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The books on the Excelsior Award Black shortlist have been designated as suitable for children aged 16+ (or Sixth Form in schools).

We are avoiding topics that could be considered "offensive" or "too adult" for a school library, but books on this shortlist may include moderate swearing and moderate violence, akin to a 15-rated movie.