Excelsior Award Blue (Aged 11+)

The Excelsior Award is the only fully independent, nationwide book award for graphic novels and manga - where kids aged 11-18 decide the winner by rating each book as they read it! In 2021, twelve graphic novels/manga were selected for the four age-appropriate shortlists and it now attracts over two hundred schools from all over the UK and Ireland! The overall goal of this scheme is to encourage reading amongst teenagers. However, its secondary target is to raise the profile of graphic novels and manga amongst school librarians and teachers. This storytelling medium has been a largely underused resource within education for many years. The Excelsior Award attempts to highlight some of the amazing books that are out there - books that fully deserve to be in our school libraries alongside regular fiction!


Hulk: Joe Fixit

David, Peter ISBN: 9781302947330
Paperback / softback

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Peter David revisits one of his greatest Hulk hits with a return to Joe Fixit! Gone are the ripped-up shorts of the Hulk of yore - this enforcer prefers the slick style of a suavely striped suit, and the Hulk has traded in "monster" for "mobster" as he lends his strength to the Las Vegas casino scene. Of course, the Kingpin has his own ideas about who the toughest guy in town is, and now it's up to Spider-Man to keep the two of them from destroying Sin City! 

- Browns Books Synopsis


David, Peter ISBN: 9781302947330
Paperback / softback

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Aki, Aki ISBN: 9781975367329
Paperback / softback

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North, Ryan ISBN: 9780593224847
Paperback / softback

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Kelly, Collin ISBN: 9781779517562
Paperback / softback

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Waiters, Tyrell ISBN: 9781913123093
Paperback / softback

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The books on the Excelsior Award Blue shortlst have been designated as suitable for children aged 11+ (or Key Stage 3 in schools)