Information Book Awards Age 0-7

The Information Book Award is an annual event, now in its eleventh year, and was a major development for information books. It has been designed to support school libraries and to reinforce the importance of non-fiction whilst highlighting the high standard of resources available. As well as a panel of judges from education there is also the Children's Choice - where children vote for their favourites in each category and overall favourite - each winner is presented with a trophy. We release the shortlist with activities that can be easily implemented in a school library or classroom setting.


Darwin's Super-Pooping Worm Spectacular

Owen, Polly ISBN: 9780711288393
Paperback / softback

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Charles Darwin is widely known for his Origin of Species book, yet Darwin had another great love, and that was for worms. Told for the first time for children, this is the silly and fascinating true story of how Charles Darwin came to discover that the humble earthworm is the most important species on our planet. Darwin suspected worms were special but his scientist friends laughed at him. In a quest to find out the worms’ special talent, Darwin played the bassoon to the worms to see if they could hear, laid out a picnic treasure hunt for them to see how well they could smell, among many other bizarre but entirely true experiments. But so far Darwin didn’t find anything extra special about worms. Until, one day he realised that worms do have a superpower. They POO! Without their life-sustaining, nutrient-rich poo, there would be no plants and no animals on earth. Darwin’s 40 years studying worms is still essential to our understanding of worms today, and ever since, scientists have taken him VERY seriously, and never again laughed at his love of worms.

Learn the funny and fascinating story of Charles Darwin and the groundbreaking discoveries that resulted from his love of the humble worm in this hilarious, illustrated children’s book.

- Browns Books Synopsis


Salat in Secret

Thompkins-Bigelow, Jamilah ISBN: 9781839132704
Paperback / softback

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Find the bravery to celebrate your beliefs and cultural traditions without fear of judgement. When Muhammad turns seven, his father gifts him his very first salat rug to pray with. Muhammad is excited to begin his salat journey, but is more comfortable silently praying in secret, afraid of the judgement he sees his dad receive when he prays in public. Can Muhammad learn to be brave and embrace his salat practice instead of hiding it from the world?

- Browns Books Synopsis

Shortlist 2024

Mucha, Laura ISBN: 9781839945045

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Thompkins-Bigelow, Jamilah ISBN: 9781839132698

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Owen, Polly ISBN: 9780711288393
Paperback / softback

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Lehrer, Tom ISBN: 9781739774851
Paperback / softback

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As well as a panel of judges from education there is also the Children's Choice - where children vote for their favourites in each category and overall favourite - each winner is presented with a trophy. We release the shortlist with activities that can be easily implemented in a school library or classroom setting.