Christmas Orders and Deliveries

Our last dispatch date is 14th December for schools and 20th December for personal customers. Serviced orders placed after this date will be held in our servicing department until we are back in the New Year.

Our Customer Care Team & Operations are open until 1630hrs on the 23rd December and return 0900hrs on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.

Orders can still be placed throughout the Christmas period and will be released for delivery on 4th January 2023.

Please get in touch with our team if you would like to extend your accounts delivery hold dates to avoid any failed deliveries.

14th December 2022

Last Dispatch Date for Educational Establishments

20th December 2022

Last Dispatch Date for Personal Customers

23rd December 2022

Closed for Business from 1630hrs

3rd January 2023

Open for Business

Account On Stop

If you are closed and cannot accept deliveries please notify us so we can place your account on stop for a specified time, to avoid any failed deliveries

Place all your schools’ orders on hold between start and end dates of your choosing. Orders can still be placed but will not be dispatched from our warehouse until your specified stop interval has ended.

If you have any further requirements, then please add information to the Additional Notes section and a Browns Customer Care Advisor will contact you shortly.