Image for Exploring Everyday Landscapes

Exploring Everyday Landscapes : Vernacular Architecture Vol Vii

Adams, AnnmarieMcmurry, Sally(Contributions by)
Part of the Perspect Vernacular Architectu series
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Bringing together scholarship in diverse fields - including architecture, geography, folklore, anthropology, and urban studies - the seventeen essays in this volume confirm the transformations now occurring in the study of vernacular architecture.

Moving away from a single vision of vernacular architecture that consisted only of "old, rural, handmade structures built in traditional forms and materials for everyday use, " scholars are exploring a wider variety of forms and landscapes - from company towns to grand expositions.

Drawn from two conferences of the Vernacular Architecture Forum - one held in Charleston in 1994, the other in Ottawa in 1995 - these essays address a broad range of topics.

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Product Details
0870499831 / 9780870499838
Paperback / softback
United States
344 pages
566 grams