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Investing for Charities

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Charity investment is a responsiblebusiness – judging how much to spend and how much to keep for the future isenough to keep you awake long into the night.

The first instinct ofcharities is to keep its money safe, spend with circumspection and ensure thereis plenty in the coffers for a rainy day.

A natural and vigilant approach butone that author – James Brooke Turner, Investment Director at the NuffieldFoundation – turns on its head.

In his innovative newbook, he challenges conventional charity investment practice.

Being over-protectiveof the capital, he argues, can thwart a charities spending plans and itsultimate mission, whereas the more a charity spends the more it can make adifference.

Recognising the potential of investments and thinkingclearly about financial goals frees charities to do more of what they are therefor and that is to increase help to beneficiaries. This is not a bookfor investment technicians; it is not a step-by-step how to invest book (thereare plenty of those), but is based on sound general investment principles andwill help ensure you make sound and well-informed investment decisions. It covers:Financial objectives and goals The investment marketSpending policiesInvestment strategyReserves policyThe law and governanceResponsible investingInvestment in practicePerformance managementThisbook is for anybody withresponsibility for handling a charity's investments including trustees, CEOs andstaff involved with their charity's financial strategy.

No prior investingknowledge is assumed. Whatever the size of your charity, if you already haveinvestments or are considering moving into this area, this book offersstraightforward, pragmatic principles that you can put to use.

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Directory of Social Change
1784821209 / 9781784821203
Paperback / softback
United Kingdom
256 pages
24 cm