Image for The visual neurosciences

The visual neurosciences

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Visual science is the model system for neuroscience, its findings relevant to all other areas.

This collection of papers by researchers in the field should be a useful reference for researchers and students in visual neuroscience and for researchers and professionals in other disciplines, including molecular and cellular biology, cognitive science, ophthalmology, psychology, computer science and education.;Over 100 chapters cover the entire field, from its historical foundations to contemporary research and findings in molecular mechanisms and network modelling.

The book is organized by topic - different sections cover such topics as the history of visual science; developmental processes; retinal mechanisms and processes; organization of visual pathways; subcortical processing; processing in the primary visual cortex; detection and sampling; brightness and colour; form, shape and object recognition; motion, depth and spatial relationships; eye movements; attention and cognition; and theoretical and computational perspectives.

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Product Details
The MIT Press
026230743X / 9780262307437
1799 pages