Image for 101 Ethical Dilemmas

101 Ethical Dilemmas (2nd ed)

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Will meat eaters get into heaven? Do trees have rights? Is it ever right to design a baby? What would you do? Would you always do the right thing? IS there a right thing? In this second edition of his thought-provoking and highly engaging introduction to ethics, Martin Cohen brings us eleven brand new ethical dilemmas including: the Dodgy Donor Clinic; the Famous Footbridge Dilemma; and, the Human Canonball.

From overcrowded lifeboats to the censor's pen, Martin Cohen's stimulating and amusing dilemmas reveal the subtleties, complexities and contradictions that make up the rich tapestry of ethics.

From DIY babies and breeding experiments to 'Twinkies courtroom drama' and Newgate Prison, there is a dilemma for everyone.

Dilemmas from the worlds of medical, business, legal and war ethics; dilemmas in the shape of beautiful and ugly sisters, frogs, kings, ancient volcanic islands and suspiciously exotic villages.

This book may not help you become a good person, but at least you will have had a good think about it.

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Product Details
0415404002 / 9780415404006
Paperback / softback
United Kingdom
xix, 375 p. : ill.
20 cm
general /academic/professional/technical Learn More
Previous ed.: 2003.