Image for Cultivating Exceptional Classrooms; Unmasking Missing Links to Achieve Quality Education

Cultivating Exceptional Classrooms; Unmasking Missing Links to Achieve Quality Education

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Cultivating Exceptional Classrooms is what every school district should strive to achieve.

This book describes measures districts can take to achieve that goal.

Adopting professional development practices and resources tailored to the educational responsibilities of teachers at the classroom level is the main priority.

Shifting professional development resources to a localized-school-based system of delivery is another priority.

Placement of resources at schools is essential for ensuring successful outcomes of new practices and resources.

Teachers need daily access to qualified experts trained to be responsive to the issues and concerns happening inside their classrooms. ?Balancing the demands of managing classrooms while delivering quality instruction has been one of the most challenging issues plaguing our public education system.

Professional guidance from experts, located at schools on a full-time basis, is what teachers need to support the advancement of their instructional and classroom management practices. Embedding experts at schools is key to every teacher's progression toward attaining instructional proficiency while facilitating the healthy social-emotional well-being of students.

Aligning professional development resources with the realities of life happening at the classroom level will greatly improve the level of pedagogy and bolster every student's educational performance.

Adding professional support staff in schools to nurture best teaching practices will be equivalent to planting new educational seeds at the root level.

Generations of students will have an opportunity to experience education provided by competent and highly skilled teachers.

Teachers and their students will benefit from daily access to professional experts guiding school staff members through the process of cultivating exceptional classrooms.

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Product Details
1954912056 / 9781954912052
eBook (EPUB)
214 pages
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