Image for Oxford Literature Companions: Death of a Salesman

Oxford Literature Companions: Death of a Salesman

Part of the Oxford literature companions series
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Easy to use in the classroom or as a tool for revision, Oxford Literature Companions provide student-friendly analysis of a range of popular A Level set texts.

Each book offers a lively, engaging approach to the text, covering characterisation and role, genre, context, language, themes, structure, performance and critical views, whilst also providing a range of varied and in-depth activities to deepen understanding and encourage close work wtih the text.

Each book also includes a comprehensive Skills and Practice section, which provides detailed advice on assessment and a bank of exam-style questions and annotated sample student answers.

This guide covers Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, is suitable for all exam boards and for the most recent AS/A level specifications.

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Product Details
Oxford University Press
0198399022 / 9780198399025
Paperback / softback
United Kingdom
112 pages
22 cm