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Unaging : The Four Factors that Impact How You Age

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Aging is a subject of concern to everyone, but is widely misunderstood.

If we view it as inevitable, we miss the fact that not everyone is able to grow to an old age.

Realization of this reality helps us to understand that aging presents a wonderful opportunity - an opportunity to make choices about how we live which can enhance the aging process and offer a chance to live to our potential.

This book clearly presents the four, multiple reserve, factors (cognitive, physical, psychological and social) which impact our ability to have healthy responses to the stresses of aging.

By giving the biological basis for the advice given, you will learn the steps to take in your activities, diet and mental outlook to grasp the opportunity that aging offers.

Everyone must know that what we do makes a difference.

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Product Details
Cambridge University Press
1009087746 / 9781009087742
Paperback / softback
United Kingdom
200 pages