Image for Data Visualization

Data Visualization : Exploring and Explaining with Data (Second edition)

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Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann's DATA VISUALIZATION: EXPLORING AND EXPLAINING WITH DATA, 2nd Edition, is designed to introduce best practices in data visualization to undergraduate and graduate students.

This is one of the first books on data visualization designed for college courses.

The book contains material on effective design, choice of chart type, effective use of color, how to both explore data visually and how to explain concepts and results visually in a compelling way with data.

The book explains both the "why" of data visualization and the "how." That is, the book provides lucid explanations of the guiding principles of data visualization through the use of interesting examples.

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RRP £61.99
Product Details
0357929764 / 9780357929766
Paperback / softback
United States
500 pages : illustrations (colour), maps (colour)
Previous edition: Australia: Cengage, 2022.