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Foundations of Economics (Fifth edition)

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Andrew Gillespie's Foundations of Economics is the perfect introduction to all of the key economic principles students need to know. A combination of crystal clear explanation and unrivalled learning support makes this the most user-friendly textbook available, coaching students in their journey from having no background in economics to a rock solid foundation in the fundamental economic principles. 'Economics in context' boxes explore how economic theory applies to the real world and case studies on topical events reinforce the relevance of these key economic principles to everyday life.

Particular attention is given to meeting the needs of a diverse range of students.

Numerical examples clearly demonstrate the application of economic theory and are worked through step-by-step to ensure that no student is left behind, while the 'learn more' feature extends students' knowledge once they have mastered the essentials.

Other features such as the 'debate' boxes and 'data analysis' panels have been carefully crafted to develop the critical thinking and data-handling skills employers are looking for. The accompanying online resources include a wealth of free-to-access materials including: Multiple choice questionsAdvanced materialAuthor blogFlashcard glossariesSolutions to questions in the bookVisual walkthroughs of the trickier concepts in the bookAdditional 'advise the government' questions to help draw together ideas on government policy and key economic issuesAdditional chapter on Business Strategy for students wanting material on broader business issues, such as PESTEL and SWOT analysisWeb linksAdopting lecturers can also register to receive access to the following resources:Dynamic PowerPoint slidesInstructor's manualTest bankGuide to the 'advise the government' questions

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Product Details
Oxford University Press
0198806523 / 9780198806523
Paperback / softback
United Kingdom
xxxv, 678 pages : illustrations (colour)
27 cm
Previous edition: 2016.