Image for Amarantus and his Neighbourhood

Amarantus and his Neighbourhood

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The imaginative talents of Caroline Lawrence (author of the Roman Mysteries series) and Laura Jenkinson Brown (illustrator of Greek Myth comics) combined with the expertise of Dr Sophie Hay, Prof. Andrew Wallace-Hadrill and Dr Olivia Elder, with just a dash of the CSCP magic that made the Cambridge Latin Course so well-loved, bring the ancient town of Pompeii to life in a truly unique way.

Follow the story of Amarantus and his neighbourhood as they experience a year of puppies, friendships, weddings, funerals, bar fights, elections and earthquakes, and find out:
* why honey is a 'hot food'
* why the best seat in the house was on the 'lowest' couch
* how the Romans cleaned their ears
* and why the late drinkers supported Vatia in the local elections.

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Product Details
1800681550 / 9781800681552
Paperback / softback
176 pages
129 x 198 mm, 177 grams