Safeguarding and Child Protection 5th Edition: Linking Theory and Practice by Lindon, Jennie (9781471866050) | Browns Books
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Safeguarding and Child Protection 5th Edition: Linking Theory and Practice (Fifth edition.)

Part of the Linking theory and practice series
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Ensure your students link theory with practice with this updated version of the authoritative and accessible series from Jennie LindonLinking Theory and Practice has helped thousands of students make the right connections between their lectures and the real settings that they go on to work in.

This latest edition of Safeguarding and Child Protection provides a useful overview of the subject in straightforward language that allows novices to access the more complicated concepts.

Jennie Lindon's trademark approach provides a trusted and authoritative voice for a wide range of courses, including undergraduate and foundation degrees in Early Years and Early Childhood, PGCEs and BEd programmes. · Includes detailed references for further reading with descriptions of 'key texts' for each chapter· 'Pause for reflection' feature provides numerous opportunities to think about the impact of their own role. - Provides an essential practical toolkit for anyone who works with children.

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Product Details
Hodder Education
147186605X / 9781471866050
Paperback / softback
United Kingdom
ix, 270 pages
25 cm
Previous edition: published as Safeguarding and child protection by Jennie Lindon. 2012.

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