Image for Scottish Heinemann Maths 1: Addition to 10 Activity Book 8 Pack

Scottish Heinemann Maths 1: Addition to 10 Activity Book 8 Pack

Part of the Scottish Heinemann Maths series
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"Scottish Heinemann Maths" offers flexible and easy-to-manage ways to plan lessons and a programme of work that reflects the key recommendations of the HMI report "Improving Mathematics Education 5-14".

The "Organising and Planning Guide" gives the rationale and ethos of SHM, linking the component parts and advising on planning.

A customisable CD at each stage gives 5-14 levelled planning and a weekly planning template.

The "Teaching File" provides easy to follow instructions for each lesson.

Lessons begin with lively mental activities, followed by a broad range of interactive teaching activities.

Structured pupil activities consolidate, reinforce and extend topics, and there are clear suggestions for follow-ups to the main points of the lesson.

The progression through each topic is carefully structured to provide a balance of oral and practical work.

SHM has pupil resources that are clear, fun and easy to use.

Activity books are used for SHM1-4, textbooks and extension textbooks for SHM3-7.

A flexible strategy helps teachers monitor pupil progress and inform lesson planning.

It offers a three-strand approach to assessment - ongoing (at the end of small blocks of work), assessment for specific topics and longer-term, end-of-level assessment.

SHM has been purposefully written to help children achieve a higher standard of attainment.

It provides a fast pace of learning and uses a direct, interactive method of teaching, placing considerable emphasis on oral and mental mathematics.

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Product Details
0435168673 / 9780435168674
Multiple copy pack
United Kingdom
210 x 295 mm, 652 grams
Primary/Student text (ie where teacher's version also exists Learn More