Unns Means...love Starring Juhi Babbar Directed By Bhupendra Gupta (5055179412258) | Browns Books
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Unns Means...love

A marriage in disarray seen through the eyes of Natasha Patel (Juhee Babbar) looking at the marriage of her best friend Ria (Rituparna Sengupta).

Ria has recently married Rahul, a company executive - country boy made good and the son of a broken home who values family and security above all.

At the wedding he is considerate and kind, vowing to be the very model of a husband and son in law.

The honeymoon is where the trouble starts - Rahul, ready to get his nuptials on in a big way - gets thrown a deafie by Ria who is, sadly, frigid.

It turns out she's on the rebound - still holding a large candle for her first love Rishi Rampal - with whom she had an extramarital affair - at least it became so once he told her he was married!

Rahul is sent on an overseas business trip, Ria bumps into Rishi and, well, it's on.

The consequences of this meeting are many and deep - especially for poor Rahul.

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Bhupendra Gupta
Region 2  Learn More
Feature, Bollywood
145 mins
(12) Suitable for 12 years and over.
Special Features
  • Interactive Menus

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