Image for Antitargets: prediction and prevention of drug side effects

Antitargets: prediction and prevention of drug side effects - v. 38

Klabunde, Thomas(Edited by)Vaz, Roy(Edited by)Folkers, Gerd(Series edited by)Kubinyi, Hugo(Series edited by)Mannhold, Raimund(Series edited by)
Part of the Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry series
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This practiceÔÇôoriented handbook surveys current knowledge on the prediction and prevention of adverse drug reactions related to offÔÇôtarget activity of small molecule drugs. It is unique in collating the current approaches into a single source, and includes several highly instructive case studies that may be used as guidelines on how to improve drug development projects.
With its large section on ADMEÔÇôrelated effects, this is key knowledge for every drug developer.

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Product Details
3527621474 / 9783527621477
eBook (Adobe Pdf)
477 pages
29.0 x 240. mm, 1106 grams
Copy: 40%; print: 40%