Image for The Bear who had Nothing to Wear

The Bear who had Nothing to Wear

Willis, JeanneFitzgerald, Brian(Illustrated by)
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Albie arrived wearing NOTHING but fur, he could have been either a Him or Her...

Most teddy bears let their owner decide, but Albie would not, for a bear has its pride.

But each outfit that Albie purchases - from fairy to pirate, from cowboy to elegant city gent - proves unsuitable in some way, and by the end of the week his bedroom is heaped with discarded clothes.

How will he dress in order to feel like himself? A hilarious story in verse that's great to read aloud, about dressing up and one bear's search for his own identity.

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Product Details
Scallywag Press
1915252571 / 9781915252579
Paperback / softback
United Kingdom
31 unnumbered pages : chiefly illustrations (colour)
28 cm
Reprint. Originally published: 2023.