Image for 42 Cellar Doors: The Search for the Answer to the Question Everyone Asks

42 Cellar Doors: The Search for the Answer to the Question Everyone Asks

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42 Cellar doors is designed as a fast paced systematic theology educational material.

Delivering a subjectivity flow to the reader in a logical question and answer progression makes this a highly effective instructional aid for teachers and students alike.

Subjectivity ranging from Crypto-Zoology, Intelligent Design, Origin Theory, Situational Ethics, Principles of Identity, Radiometric Polonium Halos, Age of the Earth, Hydrology, Ancient Science, Comparative Religion Systematization, and of course the answer to the question that everyone asks.

This book answers more questions with clarity than most even attempt even addressing and has been an underground spiritual gorilla guide book for over a decade.

It is now available to the public. "The doors have been opened.. the celebration of intellectual madness now begins, so come." - 42 Cellar Doors

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Product Details
1329606957 / 9781329606951
278 pages