Image for Japanese adult videos in Taiwan

Japanese adult videos in Taiwan - 2

Part of the Routledge culture, society, business in East Asia series series
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This book explores the debate between those who argue that globalisation is leading to worldwide cultural homogeneity, with American cultural good predominating, and those who argue that cultural goods are always adapted and contextualised in the particular setting in which they are used. Based on extensive original research on how Japanese adult videos are consumed in Taiwan, it presents a rich picture of how Japanese adult videos are transformed into something Taiwanese, and how they are incorporated into both male and female Taiwanese sexual culture.

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Product Details
1317817885 / 9781317817888
eBook (Adobe Pdf)
231 pages
Copy: 30%; print: 30%
Reprint. Previously issued in print: 2013 Description based on CIP data; item not viewed.