Search Results - MacDonald, Patricia J. - Books - General

Enchanting Spain

Paperback / softback 5 May 2016
ISBN: 9781909612709
Dewey: 914.60484
RRP £10.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

The Passion

Paperback / softback 21 Aug 2008
Publisher Simon Pulse
ISBN: 9781416984832
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

Cast into Doubt

Paperback 30 Jun 2011
ISBN: 9781847513069
Dewey: 813.6
Out of Print

From Cradle to Grave

Paperback 30 Apr 2010
ISBN: 9781847511904
Dewey: 813.54
Out of Print

Once in Europa

Hardback 17 Nov 1999
ISBN: 9780747544494
Dewey: 823.914

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