Search Results - Books - Past Year - Upper Years - G&D Media

The importance of being earnest

Paperback / softback 6 Jun 2023
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722503383
Dewey: 822.8
RRP £10.99 Save 20%
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Paperback / softback 19 Mar 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722503413
RRP £17.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In


Paperback / softback 9 Jan 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722503697
Dewey: 812.6
RRP £14.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

The Scarlet Letter

Paperback / softback 21 Nov 2023
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722503789
RRP £12.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

Gulliver's Travels

Paperback / softback 14 Dec 2023
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722503994
RRP £14.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

Robinson Crusoe

Paperback / softback 12 Sep 2023
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722504380
RRP £14.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In


Ebook 14 Nov 2023
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722524951
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Much Ado About Nothing

Ebook 11 Jul 2023
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722525033
Dewey: 822.33
Licence From
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Paperback / softback 9 Jan 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722503031
Dewey: 822.33
RRP £10.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In


Paperback / softback 14 Nov 2023
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722503970
RRP £12.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

Around the World in Eighty Days

Ebook 26 Mar 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722525507
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Around the World in Eighty Days

Paperback / softback 26 Mar 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722504526
RRP £12.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

The Merchant of Venice

Ebook 9 Jan 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722525101
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The Merchant of Venice

Paperback / softback 9 Jan 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722504120
Dewey: 812.6
RRP £10.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

Treasure Island

Paperback / softback 15 Jun 2023
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722504175
RRP £17.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

The Importance of Being Earnest

Ebook 6 Jun 2023
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722524432
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Treasure Island

Ebook 23 May 2023
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722525156
Licence From
Available on VLeBooks


Paperback / softback 9 Jan 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722503888
Dewey: 822.33
RRP £12.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

The Hound of The Baskervilles

Paperback / softback 14 Nov 2023
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722504106
RRP £10.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

Pudd'nhead Wilson

Paperback / softback 26 Mar 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722504618
RRP £17.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

Sense and Sensibility

Paperback / softback 12 Mar 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722504960
RRP £14.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

King Lear

Ebook 12 Jan 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722525002
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Ebook 9 Jan 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722524678
Licence From
Available on VLeBooks

Wuthering Heights

Paperback / softback 26 Mar 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722504229
RRP £14.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In

Great Expectations

Ebook 29 Dec 2023
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722524968
Licence From
Available on VLeBooks

Wuthering Heights

Ebook 26 Mar 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722525200
Licence From
Available on VLeBooks


Ebook 9 Jan 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722524081
Licence From
Available on VLeBooks

Great Expectations

Paperback / softback 29 Dec 2023
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722503987
RRP £19.99
Special order line: only available to educational & business accounts. Sign In


Ebook 9 Jan 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722524869
Licence From
Available on VLeBooks

Sense and Sensibility

Ebook 12 Mar 2024
Publisher G&D Media
ISBN: 9781722525941
Licence From
Available on VLeBooks