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Town and Country Planning in the UK (16th edition)

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Town and Country Planning in the UK provides one of the most authoritative and comprehensive accounts of British planning history, institutions, legislation, policies, processes and practices.

This 16th edition has been substantially revised and re-organised to provide an up-to-date overview of the planning systems in the four nations of the UK, supported by analyses, interpretations, illustrations and examples from planning practice. The new edition features:details of the legislative and policy changes since 2015 and discussion of their implications, including the early stages of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act, 2023discussion of environmental policies and programmes and the impact of Brexit on environmental regulatory landscape in Britainchanges to climate change and resilience policies, notably the government’s ‘Net Zero’ agenda and their implications for planningupdates to the substantive issues in plan-making, especially the responses to the shortage of affordable housing and the development of major infrastructurechanges to the processes involved in plan-making and development managementan expanded and revised chapter on design to include the growing significance of public health in the built environmentmajor revisions to the chapter on rural planningrevisions of the text on planning theory especially in relation to management of conflicts over the use and development of landextended discussion of politics, professionalism and participation in planningThe 16th edition of Town and Country Planning in the UK is an ideal starting point for those who are studying or working in the planning field, and for other professionals who need to locate their work in the planning context.

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Product Details
1032274581 / 9781032274584
Paperback / softback
United Kingdom
xxxi, 675 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
25 cm
Previous edition: published as by Barry Cullingworth and seven others. 2015.