Image for The Moral Psychology of Forgiveness

The Moral Psychology of Forgiveness

Norlock, Kathryn J.(Edited by)
Part of the Moral Psychology of the Emotions series
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The feeling that one can’t get over a moral wrong is challenging even in the best of circumstances.

This volume considers challenges to forgiveness in the most difficult circumstances.

It explores forgiveness in criminal justice contexts, under oppression, after genocide, when the victim is dead or when bystanders disagree, when many different negative reactions abound, and when anger and resentment seem preferable and important.

The book gathers together a diverse assembly of authors with publication and expertise in forgiveness, while centering the work of new voices in the field and pursuing new lines of inquiry grounded in empirical literature.

Some scholars consider how forgiveness influences and is influenced by our other mental states and emotions, while other authors explore the moral value of the emotions attendant upon forgiveness in particularly challenging contexts.

Some authors critically assess and advance applications of the standard view of forgiveness predominant in Anglophone philosophy of forgiveness as the overcoming of resentment, while others offer rejections of basic aspects of the standard view, such as what sorts of feelings are compatible with forgiving.

The book offers new directions for inquiry into forgiveness, and shows that the moral psychology of forgiveness continues to enjoy challenges to its theoretical structure and its practical possibilities.

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Product Details
1786601370 / 9781786601377
United Kingdom
210 pages
23 cm