Will AI Dictate the Future? by RAVINDRAN, DR ANTON (9789815044317) | Browns Books
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Will AI Dictate the Future?

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Artificial Intelligence will either be the best or worst thing to happen to humanity.

We do not yet know which. – Stephen HawkingAs AI becomes more pervasive in every aspect of human life, there is an urgent need to understand it and harness it in a way that benefits mankind.

But where do we begin? The 13 chapters in the book break down this complex subject by examining AI’s impact on key sectors of our societies.

Chapters delve into specific industries, probing the myriad opportunities and potential risks brought about by AI:HealthcareLawManufacturingCybersecurityMobilityFinancial ServicesEducationSatellite SystemsGovernmentAI EthicsAuthored by Dr Anton Ravindran, together with guest chapters contributed by leading experts in their fields, this invaluable book provides a clear, comprehensive and authoritative look at how AI – managed wisely – can change the world for the better.

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9815044311 / 9789815044317
288 pages
227 x 152 mm

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