Image for Constructing the New Consumer Society

Constructing the New Consumer Society

Holmwood, John(Edited by)Radner, Hilary(Edited by)Schulze, Gerhard(Edited by)Sulkunen, Pekka(Edited by)
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This work argues that the coming of "a new consumerism" in the affluent societies marks a distinct phase of modernity.

Limits of production no longer confine consumption to what is necessarty or instrumental.

Demands for increasing production no longer shape ideology and culture as they did previously.;Contemporary themes of morality, the body, citizenship and inequality are here placed in a new theoretical light.

The book provides examples of new codes of happiness in consuming products, culture and entertainment.

Issues of nutrition, consumer policy, environmental risk and health are discussed in the light of these new codes.

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Product Details
Palgrave Macmillan
1349253375 / 9781349253371
eBook (Adobe Pdf)
302 pages
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